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HomeBlogDr. Gary Linkov sat down with Skin Spa New York to answer some questions

Dr. Gary Linkov sat down with Skin Spa New York to answer some questions

Dr. Gary Linkov, a double board-certified facial plastic and hair restoration surgeon, recently sat down with Skin Spa New York to answer some questions about facial plastic surgery. Dr. Linkov is a renowned expert in the field, and his insights are invaluable for anyone considering a facial plastic surgery procedure.

  • Top-rated New York facial plastic surgeon

What are 4-5 immediate actions men and women can take to prolong the aging process?

  • Exercise more
  • Quit smoking
  • Drink in moderation
  • More sleep
  • Eat smaller and smarter
  • Reduce stress

Is it ever “too late” to begin preventative care?

Definitely not. Preventative total body care can be done at any time, even if disease has set in, in order to prevent further complications of a disease process. In terms of skin care, also never too late. However, if one has reached a point where creams or botox/filler will no longer make a sizable impact, other interventions such as peels or laser or surgery may be warranted.

What is your most recommended non-invasive service and why?

Skin resurfacing with any modality (microneedling, laser, peel, retinol, etc.) to establish a more even texture and tone which greatly improves ones appearance. In addition, early botox is important to prevent deep lines from forming, which are harder to correct later on.

Do jade rollers actually work?

Not any more than facials. They are just another way to massage the face. Unless of course one believes in the power of crystals, which is more in the spiritual realm and then maybe translates to other “healing” powers. But there is no scientific research to support its superiority over any other facial.

Why or why not should everyone be using Retinol?

Retinol is very effective. It speeds up skin cell turnover which sloughs away dead skin cells and boosts collagen and elastin making skin more vibrant and radiant. It is a Vitamin A derivative. People have to be careful not to use too much when starting retinol for the first time, usually 1x/week and pea size amount, since it can make the skin very sensitive and prone to sunburn.

Is there such a thing as a non-surgical facelift?

Yes and no. Yes in that there are various energy skin tightening devices, fillers, and threadlifts that can be used to “lift” the skin and soft tissues, however the effects are modest and typically short-lived. A surgical facelift if done well can be a much more transformative treatment and longer lasting. We do not yet have any true alternatives to a surgical facelift.

What are the options for lip enhancement?

Topical hyaluronic acid can be used for a glossy, more hydrated look. It is more temporary than a hyaluronic acid filler such as Juvaderm, which lasts about 6-8 months. Depending on anatomy and a person’s goals, a surgical lip lift can be performed which is permanent and creates a natural appearance if done well.

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City Facial Plastics 150 E 56th St, #1AB, New York, NY 10022 (212) 439-5177