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Where Did All My Hair Go?

Hair is one of those features we often feel can make us or break us. A lush, full head of hair can give a person a sense of confidence and a youthful feeling. Conversely, thinning hair can have a negative impact on an individual’s self-esteem. Even younger people sometimes feel past their prime when they experience hair loss. Hair transplant procedures can restore your self-confidence.

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Losing your hair is one of nature’s normal processes. In fact, most people lose about 100 hairs daily. New hair is growing in at the same rate, so the net loss is negligible. It is only when the cycle of growth and shedding is disrupted that hair loss becomes noticeable. It can also happen when a follicle is destroyed, and scar tissue develops.

Causes for Hair Loss

There are many reasons why a person may experience hair loss. The most common cause is heredity. Some families have a condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. Men and women with this family history may experience thinning hair gradually as they age. Men usually notice a receding hairline and bald spots. Generally, women will notice thinning.

Hair loss also occurs with certain medical conditions, such as alopecia areata and ringworm. Ringworm is not caused by worms, but rather tinea, a common fungal skin infection. The name comes from the ring-like shape the infection presents.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair loss. Hair will fall out of areas about the size of a quarter. Two other types of alopecia can lead to complete hair loss on the scalp or in the case of one, the entire body.

Some medications and supplements can cause hair loss as a side effect. Some cancer drugs are known for this. Other medications include those used for depression, heart conditions, gout, hypertension and arthritis.

Stress is another factor. A very stressful life can lead to temporary hair loss. This most often occurs as thinning hair several months after a major emotional or physical shock to the system.

Hair Restoration

Some hair loss situations may be temporary. In these instances, natural hair will grow back on its own in time. When hair loss seems to be permanent, other steps can be taken to regrow hair.

Restoration of lost hair often plays a major role in feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem. Women and men with hair loss issues can benefit from hair restoration treatments. There are different types of hair growth and restoration treatments available. Hair can be restored to non-scalp areas as well. Some men would like more facial hair, and thinning eyebrows can be thickened through treatments.

There are some cases in which hair restoration may not be advised. Alopecia areata patients should consult with their doctor regarding the feasibility of hair transplant options. While in many cases hair restoration may not be possible, there are some individuals who have successfully maintained hair transplants.

Dr. Linkov is among the few facial plastic surgeons with training and experience in hair transplant procedures. Make an appointment with him for a consultation regarding your hair loss. Contact us today for scheduling.

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City Facial Plastics 150 E 56th St, #1AB, New York, NY 10022 (212) 439-5177