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Otoplasty, or ear pinning procedure, is a type of cosmetic surgery involving the ears that tend to protrude or seem disproportionately large. During otoplasty, a top-rated plastic surgeon in New York City, Dr. Gary Linkov adjusts the positioning or shape of your ears. This procedure is available at City Facial Plastics in Midtown, Manhattan. Ear surgery can address this issue in both children and adults.
Otoplasty refers to ear pinning surgery that addresses a prominent ear (or lop ear). Cartilage may be cut, removed, or left during prominent ear correction surgery and modified with sutures to accomplish the main objective. The skin may also be removed to avoid bunching as the ear pin back surgery is performed.
Prominent ears can be a common reason for ridicule in both children and adults. Men and women frequently use their hair to hide this facial feature. People are often ashamed to show others their ears if they protrude too far from the head or have an unusual shape. Having the ears corrected often restores confidence and gives people the option to wear different hair styles.
The surgeon must evaluate each ear separately and assess the size, shape, and relationship to the scalp. The ear pinning surgery must then be performed using a prominent ear correction surgical technique. A good candidate for an NYC otoplasty procedure is of sufficient age (described below), is medically stable for elective surgery, and has the characteristic appearance of prominent ears.
Otoplasty, or ear pinning, is ear surgery designed to address protruding or large ears. This procedure is commonly performed on both children and adults. Otoplasty can make a dramatic change in the lives of children who may endure teasing and embarrassment from peers.
This procedure can be done in our office under local anesthesia for adults. The operation typically consists of an incision behind the ear with the manipulation of cartilage to position the ear closer to the head. The result is a less prominent and more aesthetically pleasing appearance of one’s ears.
New York ear surgery can be performed on children at about six years of age or older or on adults ready to finally address his/her protruding ear issue. Contact City Facial Plastics in Manhattan’s Upper East Side to schedule your consultation with Dr. Linkov. Find out about the best options to change the shape or position of your ears.
It is best to wait until at least 5 years of age before performing an ear pinning in children. This gives the ear a chance to grow to its near-adult size and still allows children to have it done before school starts. Some surgeons prefer to wait longer so that the child can take a more active part in decision-making. In adults, an otoplasty procedure can be done at any time to correct the prominent ear deformity.
There are various techniques used to perform ear pinning surgery, including:
Dr. Linkov finds that a common combination of techniques for ear surgery in Manhattan is a conchal setback and mustard sutures. The reason for this is that most patients have both an underdeveloped antihelix and an oversized conchal bowl. This combination addresses the vast majority of prominent ears in an elegant and long-lasting way.
Adolescent and adult patients are treated in an office procedure room or an accredited surgical suite in a private setting. Local anesthesia is used to eliminate pain during otoplasty surgery. Deep sedation or oral sedation can also be used depending on patient and surgeon preference.
Once you have decided to undergo otoplasty in NYC, Dr. Linkov will discuss in detail how to prepare for your procedure. There are a few steps you should take before your ear pinning procedure to get the best results.
These steps include:
If the procedure is to be performed in an office setting, you will take the prescribed medications in the office just before surgery as instructed by Dr. Linkov. Ear surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia, so the pain will be minimal, if any, during your procedure. An otoplasty takes 1-2 hours per ear. Including time spent checking in to the doctor’s office, marking out the surgical sites, anesthesia injections, surgery, and recovery, you should plan to be at your doctor’s office for at least 4 hours.
A protective bandage will be applied around the ears after the ear-pinning surgery and before leaving the office. Bruising and swelling are expected for 1-2 weeks. At one to three days, you will return to the office to have your dressing removed – following this, you will be instructed to use a light compression garment for an additional 2-3 weeks throughout the day. The skin sutures used are dissolvable. Avoid scratching or manipulating your ears for 2 weeks following surgery and strenuous activities, and contact sports for 3 weeks.
The risks and complications of otoplasty surgery include:
Overall an otoplasty is a safe and effective procedure to pin back ears and carries a high satisfaction rate. Patients report a higher level of self-esteem and confidence after otoplasty surgery to fix the prominent ear(s). Children can go on to live full lives without being bullied for the appearance of their ears. Adolescents and adults can achieve their life goals with a renewed sense of determination.
If the otoplasty is being performed for cosmetic purposes (prominent ears), then insurance will not cover the procedure. If the ear pin back surgery is part of a procedure that addresses a congenital abnormality, it may be covered. Consult with your insurance carrier first about these distinctions. Keep in mind that some surgeons do not accept in-network insurance. Financing options are often offered if you need to pay out-of-pocket.
Dr. Gary Linkov is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in UES, Manhattan. Dr. Linkov performs ear pinning surgery with extensive experience treating all conditions of the ear. He is the Chief of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery for the Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn, NY, where he operates on complex ear deformities, serving our country’s veterans.
If you have ever asked yourself, “how to I find high-quality otoplasty near me easily?” Dr. Linkov’s private practice in NYC focuses on aesthetic facial plastic surgery, including otoplasty. You can view Dr.Linkov’s otoplasty before and after photos below.
An otoplasty ear pinning surgery was performed to better define the ears and to set them back closer to the head.
This young man wanted an otoplasty (ear pinning) procedure to bring his ears closer to his head and restore his confidence.
This beautiful patient presented with prominent ears. An otoplasty was performed on both sides to realign her ears in a more natural way.
Dr. Gary Linkov is an experienced facial plastic surgeon in New York City. If you desire to change the appearance of your ears, contact our City Facial Plastics office, located in Manhattan, NY, for an otoplasty consultation. You can have the ears you want with our ear-pinning options.
I had a torn ear lobe. His treatment was excellent. I had no problems and no pain after the stitching of my ear lobe. To me, he did an excellent job on my ear lobe. I thank him very much for that. I recommend anyone to him for treatments.
Margaret Peters
Dr. Linkov is a double board-certified by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. A native of New York, Dr. Linkov graduated as a salutatorian from Cornell University and received his Medical Degree at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Linkov conducted advanced head and neck cancer research at the world-renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Linkov is a former Adjunct Assistant Professor at New York University (NYU), where he taught Rhinoplasty.
Dr. Linkov is New York's top-rated facial plastic surgeon specializing in lip lift, facelift, rhinoplasty, and hair transplant. Voted top 5 lip lift surgeons in the US, he is listed in the prestigious SuperDoctors New York™ registry and featured on the Dr. Oz Show, where he discussed the state-of-the-art hair transplantation procedure.
City Facial Plastics 150 E 56th St, #1AB, New York, NY 10022 (212) 439-5177